Enhance the capacity and ability of the non-university sector at the tertiary level in Thailand for the effective delivery of engineering and technology knowledge and skills related to Industry 4.0.
Boost the scientific excellence in teaching in the field of conceiving and realizing of new types of biomimetic mechatronic systems for people with special needs.
Service-Learning system to offer all students further opportunities of acquiring strategic and transversal skills in real contexts.
Design and develop an e-Learning course collaboratively on Mobile Robotics for adult learners.
FYC aims to design, develop and implement a Future of Work Framework, focused on the identification of transversal skills of disadvantaged job seekers.
ITER combines an innovative package of active measures, designed to create the dynamic platform for the delivery of quality VET to young people not in education employment or training.
Sustainable Skills for Local Developer.
E-tutoring: tools and web resources for study and career management
Young Migrant Entrepreneurs project focuses on delivering entrepreneurial skills-building support through Youth Workers and Immigration Case Workers.
Dynamics of biphasic fluids - modulation, design and development of bipolar plates and gas diffusion layers for PEM type fuel cells.
Intelligent Software for Aerosol typing Based on Earth observation products, remote sensing measurements and transport modelLing.
Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry.